Friday, October 27, 2017

Week 5: Rapid Prototyping

As we finished our first presentation last week, we have gotten an idea from Dr. Furman that we should add a manual control to the system such as a joystick control and a kill switch. We ordered some parts and started the rapid prototyping. We got an Arduino Mega from the Arduino website, a motor and a L298n motor driver from our Spartan superway garage. At first, we wired up the Arduino and tried to control rotating speed of the motor. We successfully controlled the rotating speed of the motor as we entered parameters on Arduino. Since we just ordered the joystick, we are planning to map parameters between the motor and the joystick so we can control the speed of the motor according to the movement on the joystick. Here is the setup we have so far.


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Week 6: Rapid Prototyping

We have ordered several joystick modules and motor drivers for spare. The parts have arrived and we have started to connect the joystick mod...